ESC in Polonia

Il nostro partner FIYE Poland | Stowarzyszenie Promocji Wolontariatu cerca urgentemente 5 volontari/e per i progetti ESC – Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà già approvati. La partenza è prevista per Febbraio / Marzo 2020, scadenza per presentare la candidatura è il 24 Gennaio 2020.
Ci sono 3 progetti in diverse località e in diversi ambiti lavorativi.
Dates: February/March 2020 – August 2020 (7 months)
Location: Przasnysz, Poland
Host organisation: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zofii Nalkowskiej w Przasnyszu
Number of volunteers: 2
PROJECT: The library (which received a title of the best library in Masovian region in 2019!) serves the inhabitants of Przasnysz town and its neighbourhood. It performs the traditional role of a library and conducts activities in the field of culture and education aimed at different age groups. It’s main seat is located at the centre of the town (you can have a virtual walk here), there is also a branch in a residential area.
Dates: February/March 2020 – August 2020 (7 months)
Location: Pultusk, Poland
Host organisation: Przedszkole Miejskie Nr 5 w Pułtusku
Number of volunteers: 2
PROJECT: The kindergarten provides education and everyday care to about 140 children, age 3–6, living in Pułtusk. It also runs a special language and cultural programme. The children are divided into groups of 15-25 pupils according to their age.
Dates: February/March 2020 – September 2020 (8 months)
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Host organization: Stowarzyszenie Promocji Wolontariatu
Number of volunteers: 1
PROJECT: Project’s aim is promotion of international voluntary service and its values such as intercultural learning, active citizenship of youth, solidarity and sustainable development. Our association’s activities include organizing and coordinating various voluntary projects in Poland. We do long-term programs such as ESC and ICYE but also short-term such as workcamps. We cooperate with local NGOs, libraries, kindergardens, schools, social centers. We also recruit and send polish volunteers abroad to join variety of projects all-around the world. We would like to welcome ESC volunteer who would join our activites and help us mainly in communication and promotion. The project can be an opportunity to get to know work in NGO sector and get in touch with volunteers from all-around the world.
Condizioni economiche
Il progetto è finanziato dal programma europeo Erasmus+ e sono coperte dal progetto:
- Spese di viaggio A/R (max 275 euro)
- Vitto, alloggio (in un appartamento condiviso)
- Assicurazione
- Pocket money mensile
- Formazione linguistica & tutoraggio
Chi può candidarsi
La candidatura è aperta a tutti i giovani tra i 18 e i 30 anni che non abbiano precedentemente partecipato ad un progetto SVE / ESC di lunga durata.
Guida alla candidatura
Per candidarsi mandare una e-mail con allegati CV (in Inglese) e lettera di motivazione SPECIFICA per il progetto scelto (in Inglese) entro le ore 12 del 24 gennaio a: LTV@YAP.IT