Progetti ESC in Belgio per il 2020 (18-30 anni)

 In ESC - Corpo europeo di solidarietà, Volontariato a lungo termine

Fino al 23 Settembre puoi candidarti per uno dei 6 bellissimi progetti Corpo europeo di solidarietà (ESC, ex-SVE) organizzati dal nostro partner Compagnons Bâtisseurs Belgium. 

1) Project: Archeoparc Malagne

Activity dates: 01/02/2020 – 31/12/2021


Project description: Archeoparc Malagne is a non-profit organisation set up to protect and valorise an archaeological site from Gallo-roman history. It reproduces a farm from this period of time and recreate the different techniques and know-hows used at that time.

The volunteers will help out in the maintenance of the 7 hectares of the domain (planting vegetables, mowing, fixing fences…), take care of the animals living on site, help with the building of new places by using Gallo-roman techniques, helping with the groups of children visiting, participate in the historical re-enactments and follow the archaeological experiments done (one on a harvesting machine, the other one on the production process of barley beer “cervoise”).

2) Project: Terrain d’Aventure du Péri (The Adventure Playground of Péri)

Activity dates: 01/ 02/2020 – 31/01/2021


Project description: The adventure playground is open to all young people, from 5 to 26 years old but most children are below 15. It is a place dedicated to the self-development and the community life, a place where children can learn and experiment without pressure.

In this project, the volunteer will be all the time in contact with children and young people. S/he will launch, lead and follow several activities. These ones can be various and will depend of his/her ideas, wishes and skills. They will always suppose a democratic participation of the children who have the right to choose and make proposals.

3) Project: Service Renforts

Activity dates: 01/02/2020 – 31/01/2021


Project description: The service RENFORTS is a part of the non-profit association ANDAGE, created in order to improve the quality of life of people with mental disabilities and their families.

The beneficiaries (adults with mental disabilities) of Renforts are generally quite autonomous and independent adults but the service aims at encouraging their social inclusion by offering them to participate in social and collective activities and by providing them with personalized daily support starting from their personal needs, interests and wishes. The volunteer will help by accompanying the people to the different places where they work, by supporting at the alternative shop and by helping out at the small garden where the beneficiaries grow aromatic herbs and other useful plants.


4) Project: AMO Mic-Ados: combating failure in education

Activity dates: 01/02/2020 – 31/01/2021


Project description: The AMO Mic-Ados is part of what is called, in Belgium, a non-constraint help to youth (AMO – Aide en Milieu Ouvert). It is a place where young people can ask for support regarding any difficulty they are meeting in their lives: at home, at school, about health, relationships, finances… The ESC volunteer will have as main mission to be involved in the project “«Sac Ados»”.

The aim of this project is to allow youngsters between 15 and 22 years old in school dropout situation, to have a reflection period about their future by taking part in manual works, creative activities and social actions which are useful to all our community (environment activities, building and painting activities, open space maintenance activities, activities for elder people, children or refugees, building music instruments for developing countries…).

5) Project: Marche youth club (Maison des Jeunes de Marche)

Activity dates : 01/03/2020 – 31/01/2021


Project description : La Maison des Jeunes (MJ) / the Youth Club has the mission to promote youth active citizenship, participation and empowerment. In all our activities -trainings, creative and artistic workshops, outdoors activities and visits, organization of concerts and cultural events- we strive to work on the basis of a “pedagogy of the project.” Through negotiation, preparation, implementation and evaluation of activities, we hope to encourage young people to acquire new skills and support them in developing themselves as persons and citizens.

The volunteer will have the possibility to participate in all our activities: artistic workshops, sport activities, organization of cultural events and free time activities in the youth club and propose their own. Application showing the artistic and creative skills of the volunteers are strongly encouraged.

6) Name: Compagnons Bâtisseurs

Activity dates: 01/02/2020 – 31/01/2021


Project description: The Association of Compagnons Bâtisseurs, aka CBB, is a non-profit, non-political youth organisation recognised by the French Community of Belgium. The organisation proposes different kinds of activities, mainly based on volunteering and non-formal education: local and international work camps, medium and long term voluntary service, week-end workcamps, leisure time activities for and with disabled people, youth exchanges and local and international trainings.

The volunteer will be mainly involved in the promotion, preparation, implementation and follow-up of our voluntary projects (work camps, youth exchanges….). S/he will also work sometimes in partnership with other local youth and social organisations. As part of CBB team, we will expect from him/her to attend collective activities such as staff meeting, General Assembly, team building day…

Per candidarsi: compilare il form specifico allegato ad ogni descrizione del progetto ed inviarlo insieme al CV aggiornato in inglese e la Motivation Letter SPECIFICA PER IL PROGETTO in inglese all’indirizzo email LTV@YAP.IT 
Scadenza: ore 12 del 23 Settembre 2019.
Per maggiori informazioni sui progetti di volontariato ESC – Corpo europeo di solidarietà (ex-Servizio Volontario Europeo) consultare la pagina del nostro sito.
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